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Pink Barbiecore Ray-Ban Oversized Aviators

We are licensed wholesale/re-sellers specializing in buying & selling new and used Luxury Bags & Clothing Accessories at discounted prices. All of our items are thoroughly inspected, described, & photographed accurately to reflect the item’s current condition when we list it. We guarantee the authenticity of every Branded item we sell. Bag Brats is an independent family owned business that does not hold brand affiliation. All Registered Trademarks are owned by their brand owners.

Pink Barbiecore Ray-Ban Oversized Aviators

  • • Ray-Ban

    • Oversized Aviator/Pilot

    • Rose Pink (Barbiecore)

    • RB3025

    • 62-14/140

    • The original case, unopened, cleaning cloth, and unopened care cards are included.


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